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WriteSpace is a minimalist web notepad with Markdown and KaTeX support. It includes easy options to print the rendered output or export your notes as raw text, image, or html.



WriteSpace supports Markdown to easily create headings, bullets, insert images, and more in your notes. Markdown syntax

Check "Show live rendered output" in settings to view the rendered markdown output.


WriteSpace supports KaTeX to allow you to easily write math expressions. KaTeX syntax

To use KaTeX, first make sure it is enabled in settings. Inline KaTeX expressions can be written between $ delimiters. Block KaTeX expressions can be written between $$ delimiters.

Inline KaTeX example: $x^2$ -> x2x^2

Block KaTeX example:



Code blocks

WriteSpace supports code blocks with automatic syntax highlighting. Code blocks can be written between ``` delimiters. Example:

print('hello world!')

print('hello world!')

Word/character counter

To view word and character count, enable "Show word and char count" in settings.

Export options

WriteSpace lets you easily export as raw text, a PNG image, or html. You can export and download via the "download" button in the top right, or export and copy to the clipboard via the "copy" button in the top right. You can also export raw text or the rendered output as a PDF via your browser's print dialog. In settings, you can choose what format you would like to export in for printing, downloading, and copying.